People today that have succeeded in life and can afford a cottage or summer home, value their down time. They don’t want to spend their time at the cottage cutting grass, shoveling snow or repairing the plumbing. These properties are also a huge invest so proper maintenance is crucial to their carefree enjoyment.
How do you protect your investment if you need a plumber, electrician or heating contractor? Who do you trust to do the work, will they be there when they say they will, will they be fair with their bills?
Heritage Property Services has an extensive network of performance approved contractors that have provided consistency in their service to all my clients. What HPS offers the Home Owner is a One Call for all their needs. The added bonus is a piece of mind in knowing they will be treated honestly and fairly.
Glen Shaw of HPS has forty years’ of experience in property maintenance and customer service. I am here to protect your interests in getting work completed on your home or cottage. Let’s chat and see if I can help you. Can be a onetime deal or ongoing maintenance, whatever you need. Let me help.

One Source to Manage All Your Home Maintenance Needs!